“Tautoko” relates to support and advocacy. Our unique Tautoko Network enables more accessible information sharing and collaboration across the local community sector. Our programme includes events within Christchurch City as well as the Hurunui, Selwyn and Waimakariri Districts.
For a range of training opportunities throughout New Zealand, visit the Regional Training page at Volunteering New Zealand. These include a mix of face-to-face and remote training sessions to support volunteering and the community sector right across the country.
Our office will be closed for the Holidays, re-opening on Monday 6 January 2025.
Facilitator: Volunteering Canterbury, in conjunction with Multicultural Recreation and Community Centre, Welcoming Communities and Christchurch City Council
Venue: Multicultural Recreation and Community Centre, 455 Hagley Avenue, Christchurch Central
Cost: Free event
New to Christchurch? Come along to the Newcomers Expo to find out how volunteering can help you make connections and gain valuable skills to help you settle in. Meet fellow newcomers, other community members and a variety of local organisations who can help you find your place in the community through volunteering.
Facilitator: Volunteering Canterbury, in conjunction with: Christchurch Envirohub, Conservation Volunteers New Zealand, Climate Action Campus and Christchurch City Council.
Venue: Climate Action Campus, 180 Avonside Drive, Christchurch
Cost: Free event
Are you passionate about conservation? Would you like to get involved in volunteering for like-minded groups working for a sustainable future? Join us at this free expo event and be part of this unique opportunity to connect with others in the conservation space.
Host: Christchurch City Council Graffiti Programme
Venue: 180 Smith Street, Linwood
Cost: Free event
On the first Thursday of each month, we hold a Coffee & Chats peer support session for those who manage or coordinate a volunteer team, hosted each time by a different community organisation. This is an occasion to network with others from local not-for-profit groups and talk all things volunteering, and includes the opportunity to ask questions, share experiences and support each other as we navigate the ever-changing community sector.
RSVP: Via email - it is essential that you RSVP for these events, please.
Facilitator: Community Capacity Accounting
Venue: St Albans Community Centre, Colombo Street (on-site parking accessed via Caledonian Road)
Cost: Free event
You’ve had your arm twisted to be the treasurer for your club or group but don’t feel confident about it. If that sounds familiar, then this workshop is for you! The training covers: what a treasurer should and shouldn’t be responsible for; understanding financial information; important financial indicators for not-for-profits.
Register: Via email
Host: Kairos Food Rescue
Venue: 284 Tuam Street, Christchurch
Cost: Free event
On the first Thursday of each month, we hold a Coffee & Chats peer support session for those who manage or coordinate a volunteer team, hosted each time by a different community organisation. This is an occasion to network with others from local not-for-profit groups and talk all things volunteering, and includes the opportunity to ask questions, share experiences and support each other as we navigate the ever-changing community sector.
RSVP: Via email - it is essential that you RSVP for these events, please.
Host: Community Capacity Accounting
Venue: St Albans Community Centre, Colombo Street (on-site parking accessed via Caledonian Road)
Cost: Free event
So you have two signatories for cheques and online transactions. Is this enough to protect you from fraud? It is a Board/Committee’s responsibility to have processes in place to ensure that money or items do not go walkabout. This workshop covers the key danger areas and way to manage them that are appropriate for an organisation your size.
RSVP: Via email
Host: Pregnancy Choice
Venue: 445 Colombo Street, Sydenham
Cost: Free event
On the first Thursday of each month, we hold a Coffee & Chats peer support session for those who manage or coordinate a volunteer team, hosted each time by a different community organisation. This is an occasion to network with others from local not-for-profit groups and talk all things volunteering, and includes the opportunity to ask questions, share experiences and support each other as we navigate the ever-changing community sector.
RSVP: Via email - it is essential that you RSVP for these events, please.
Facilitator: Volunteering Canterbury
Venue: St Albans Community Centre, Colombo Street (on-site parking accessed via Caledonian Road)
Cost: Free event
This workshop will look at why and how to engage youth volunteers, including the benefits and challenges to doing so.
Register: Via email
Facilitator: Chris Beardsley, Performance Matters
Venue: St Albans Community Centre, Colombo Street (on-site parking accessed via Caledonian Road)
Cost: Free event
This workshop will provide insights to help participants deal appropriately with difficult conversations and adopt an approachable, open and empathetic communication style so issues are confronted, others are influenced positively and relationships are successfully maintained. The additional benefits are that people learn how to be more authentic, handle stress and anxiety, increase the amount of discretionary energy for the job and generate greater productivity.
Register: Via email
Host: Woolston Development Project
Venue: 497 Ferry Road, Woolston
Cost: Free event
On the first Thursday of each month, we hold a Coffee & Chats peer support session for those who manage or coordinate a volunteer team, hosted each time by a different community organisation. This is an occasion to network with others from local not-for-profit groups and talk all things volunteering, and includes the opportunity to ask questions, share experiences and support each other as we navigate the ever-changing community sector.
RSVP: Via email - it is essential that you RSVP for these events, please.