“Tautoko” relates to support and advocacy. Our unique Tautoko Network enables more accessible information sharing and collaboration across the local community sector. Our programme includes events within Christchurch City as well as the Hurunui, Selwyn and Waimakariri Districts.
For a range of training opportunities throughout New Zealand, visit the Regional Training page at Volunteering New Zealand. These include a mix of face-to-face and remote training sessions to support volunteering and the community sector right across the country.
Facilitator: Community Capacity Accounting
Venue: Christchurch Community House, 213 Lichfield Street
Cost: Free event
You’ve had your arm twisted to be the treasurer for your club or group but don’t feel confident about it. If that sounds familiar, then this workshop is for you! The training covers: what a treasurer should and shouldn’t be responsible for; understanding financial information; important financial indicators for not-for-profits.
Register: Via email
Facilitator: Volunteering Canterbury, in conjunction with: Christchurch Envirohub, Conservation Volunteers New Zealand, Climate Action Campus and Christchurch City Council.
Venue: Richmond Community Garden, 46a Vogel Street, Richmond
Cost: Free event
Are you passionate about conservation? Would you like to get involved in volunteering for like-minded groups working for a sustainable future? Join us at this free expo event and be part of this unique opportunity to connect with others in the conservation space.
Host: Kairos Food Rescue
Venue: 284 Tuam Street, Christchurch
Cost: Free event
On the second Thursday of each month, we hold a Coffee & Chats peer support session for those who manage or coordinate a volunteer team, hosted each time by a different community organisation. This is an occasion to network with others from local not-for-profit groups and talk all things volunteering, and includes the opportunity to ask questions, share experiences and support each other as we navigate the ever-changing community sector.
RSVP: Via email - it is essential that you RSVP for these events, please.
Join us for our 2025 micro-volunteering project, Knit for Purpose!
Microvolunteering is bite-sized, on-demand, no commitment actions that benefit a worthy cause. This year, we once again invite you to get involved and knit or crochet squares or strips of squares for blankets, which will be donated to those in need in our community through local organisations.
All the info, including a pattern, can be found here.
Host: Community Capacity Accounting
Venue: St Albans Community Centre, Colombo Street (on-site parking accessed via Caledonian Road)
Cost: Free event
So you have two signatories for cheques and online transactions. Is this enough to protect you from fraud? It is a Board/Committee’s responsibility to have processes in place to ensure that money or items do not go walkabout. This workshop covers the key danger areas and way to manage them that are appropriate for an organisation your size.
RSVP: Via email
Facilitator: Garth Nowland-Foreman, from LEAD Centre for Not for Profit Governance and Leadership
Venue: Aldersgate Centre, 309 Durham Street North, Christchurch Central (Please enter the Aldersgate Centre from the rear door, via the car park. This can be accessed from Chester Street West. Spaces within the carpark are available to Governance Bites attendees from 5pm onwards.)
Cost: Free event
Non-profit boards only have authority as a group. What’s the different dynamics between individual and group decision-making? And what key difference in approach is required when making routine decision, and when looking to innovate to at least ensure we know what all the options are (beyond the same old-same old)? How can understanding the three key ‘mindsets’ that people can bring to governance decision-making help us make better decisions, and help us ensure we are asking the right questions. This session will provide participants with two useful tools that will help you in making better group decisions. Sessions will run from 5.30pm to 7.00pm. However, doors open and pizza bites are available from 5.00pm!
RSVP: Registrations essential, via email
Host: Pregnancy Choice
Venue: 445 Colombo Street, Sydenham
Cost: Free event
On the first Thursday of each month, we hold a Coffee & Chats peer support session for those who manage or coordinate a volunteer team, hosted each time by a different community organisation. This is an occasion to network with others from local not-for-profit groups and talk all things volunteering, and includes the opportunity to ask questions, share experiences and support each other as we navigate the ever-changing community sector.
RSVP: Via email - it is essential that you RSVP for these events, please.
Facilitator: Dr Jurgen Grotz, University of East Anglia
Venue: St Albans Community Centre, 1049 Colombo Street, St Albans
Cost: Free event
Dr Grotz is the Director of the Institute for Volunteering Research and the University of East Anglia, and has been involved with talks and research around the role of volunteering in older people’s lives. Dr Grotz will share insights from the research at this session and looks forward to hearing from volunteer manager about challenges and highlights within their organisation’s volunteering programmes.
RSVP: Via email
Facilitator: Garth Nowland-Foreman, from LEAD Centre for Not for Profit Governance and Leadership
Venue: Aldersgate Centre, 309 Durham Street North, Christchurch Central (Please enter the Aldersgate Centre from the rear door, via the car park. This can be accessed from Chester Street West. Spaces within the carpark are available to Governance Bites attendees from 5pm onwards.)
Cost: Free event
While staying on the right side of the law is not the end of your work as a non-profit board member, it is a good place to start. In this session we will briefly look at how laws (written and unwritten) impact on your organisation. We will also remind ourselves what being incorporated means, why it is important, and how to avoid losing its crucial protections. Finally, we will uncover why Conflicts of Interest are not a problem, but how we deal with them can be if we don’t follow three simple rules. Sessions will run from 5.30pm to 7.00pm. However, doors open and pizza bites are available from 5.00pm!
RSVP: Registrations essential, via email
Facilitator: Volunteering Canterbury
Venue: St Albans Community Centre, Colombo Street (on-site parking accessed via Caledonian Road)
Cost: Free event
This workshop will look at why and how to engage youth volunteers, including the benefits and challenges to doing so.
Register: Via email
Host: Blind Low Vision NZ
Venue: 96 Bristol Street, St Albans, Christchurch
Cost: Free event
On the second Thursday of each month, we hold a Coffee & Chats peer support session for those who manage or coordinate a volunteer team, hosted each time by a different community organisation. This is an occasion to network with others from local not-for-profit groups and talk all things volunteering, and includes the opportunity to ask questions, share experiences and support each other as we navigate the ever-changing community sector.
RSVP: Via email - it is essential that you RSVP for these events, please.
Facilitator: Volunteering Canterbury
Venue: Christchurch Community House, 213 Lichfield Street, Christchurch
Cost: Free event
Join us as we wrap up Knit for Purpose in 2025 on World Wide Knit in Public Day! We will come together to finish knitting and sewing as many blankets as we can. Brings your knitting, your needles and your friends!
Te Wiki Tūao ā-Motu National Volunteer Week celebrates the collective contribution of all volunteers who enrich Aotearoa New Zealand. The 2025 theme is ‘Whiria te tangata – weaving the people together’. Volunteering weaves us together, strengthening the fabric of our community.
Facilitator: Volunteering Canterbury
Venue: Salvation Army, 853 Colombo Street
Our Volunteer Recognition Awards are presented each year during National Volunteer Week. Check our Awards page for more information.
Facilitator: Garth Nowland-Foreman, from LEAD Centre for Not for Profit Governance and Leadership
Venue: Aldersgate Centre, 309 Durham Street North, Christchurch Central (Please enter the Aldersgate Centre from the rear door, via the car park. This can be accessed from Chester Street West. Spaces within the carpark are available to Governance Bites attendees from 5pm onwards.)
Cost: Free event
What exactly is the board’s role in oversight of the finances? What are Treasurers actually responsible for? How can you properly fulfil your obligations without micro-managing? What should we look for in financial reporting? What are the financial ‘red flags’ we need to keep an eye out for? What does every board member need to know about their finances? Why can’t we just rely on the audit or review? Sessions will run from 5.30pm to 7.00pm. However, doors open and pizza bites are available from 5.00pm!
RSVP: Registrations essential, via email
Facilitator: Christchurch Civil Defence Emergency Management (CDEM)
Venue: St Albans Community Centre, Colombo Street (on-site parking accessed via Caledonian Road)
Cost: Free event
The Community Resilience Coordinators from Christchurch Civil Defence Emergency Management (CDEM) will provide a talk on emergency management and personal preparedness. This presentation will cover the role of CDEM in an emergency, the CDEM team here in Ōtautahi Christchurch, the hazards that can affect us here in Aotearoa New Zealand, how to keep ourselves safe during an emergency, and where to get information from during an emergency.
RSVP: Via email
Host: Christchurch City Council Graffiti Programme
Venue: 180 Smith Street, Linwood
Cost: Free event
On the second Thursday of each month, we hold a Coffee & Chats peer support session for those who manage or coordinate a volunteer team, hosted each time by a different community organisation. This is an occasion to network with others from local not-for-profit groups and talk all things volunteering, and includes the opportunity to ask questions, share experiences and support each other as we navigate the ever-changing community sector.
RSVP: Via email - it is essential that you RSVP for these events, please.
Facilitator: Garth Nowland-Foreman, from LEAD Centre for Not for Profit Governance and Leadership
Venue: Aldersgate Centre, 309 Durham Street North, Christchurch Central (Please enter the Aldersgate Centre from the rear door, via the car park. This can be accessed from Chester Street West. Spaces within the carpark are available to Governance Bites attendees from 5pm onwards.)
Cost: Free event
What can the board delegate, and what does it need to stay on top of? How do we balance our role in arms-length, independent supervision, and the need for engaged, collaborative support? How do we effectively balance a culture of checking and of cheer-leading? What are the critical elements of a ‘good employer’, and how does it become great? And what does that look like, when staff and volunteers are remote? Sessions will run from 5.30pm to 7.00pm. However, doors open and pizza bites are available from 5.00pm!
RSVP: Registrations essential, via email
Facilitator: Chris Beardsley, Performance Matters
Venue: St Albans Community Centre, Colombo Street (on-site parking accessed via Caledonian Road)
Cost: Free event
This workshop will provide insights to help participants deal appropriately with difficult conversations and adopt an approachable, open and empathetic communication style so issues are confronted, others are influenced positively and relationships are successfully maintained. The additional benefits are that people learn how to be more authentic, handle stress and anxiety, increase the amount of discretionary energy for the job and generate greater productivity.
Register: Via email
Facilitator: Volunteering Canterbury in conjunction with University of Canterbury
Venue: University of Canterbury
Cost: Free event
Our annual Student Volunteering Expo returns for 2025! Join us on campus to find out more about what's involved when you volunteer, and how you can give back to your community while gaining valuable skills - for life and your CV! Meet some of the incredible community organisations and charities we work with, ask your questions and find a place where you can make a difference.
Host: Jennifer, Restorative Justice
Venue: To be confirmed
Cost: Free event
On the second Thursday of each month, we hold a Coffee & Chats peer support session for those who manage or coordinate a volunteer team, hosted each time by a different community organisation. This is an occasion to network with others from local not-for-profit groups and talk all things volunteering, and includes the opportunity to ask questions, share experiences and support each other as we navigate the ever-changing community sector.
RSVP: Via email - it is essential that you RSVP for these events, please.
Facilitator: Garth Nowland-Foreman, from LEAD Centre for Not for Profit Governance and Leadership
Venue: Aldersgate Centre, 309 Durham Street North, Christchurch Central (Please enter the Aldersgate Centre from the rear door, via the car park. This can be accessed from Chester Street West. Spaces within the carpark are available to Governance Bites attendees from 5pm onwards.)
Cost: Free event
As they say, it’s easy to “take minutes and waste hours”. Typical agendas actually make good meetings more difficult, and who knows the difference between individual decision-making vs the group decision-making needed on boards? Can we be more efficient at our meetings? Maybe even more effective? And perhaps even actually enjoy them? It’s all possible and this participatory workshop will offer several practical tools to help make it happen. Sessions will run from 5.30pm to 7.00pm. However, doors open and pizza bites are available from 5.00pm!
RSVP: Registrations essential, via email
Host: Woolston Development Project
Venue: 497 Ferry Road, Woolston
Cost: Free event
On the second Thursday of each month, we hold a Coffee & Chats peer support session for those who manage or coordinate a volunteer team, hosted each time by a different community organisation. This is an occasion to network with others from local not-for-profit groups and talk all things volunteering, and includes the opportunity to ask questions, share experiences and support each other as we navigate the ever-changing community sector.
RSVP: Via email - it is essential that you RSVP for these events, please.
Facilitator: Garth Nowland-Foreman, from LEAD Centre for Not for Profit Governance and Leadership
Venue: Aldersgate Centre, 309 Durham Street North, Christchurch Central (Please enter the Aldersgate Centre from the rear door, via the car park. This can be accessed from Chester Street West. Spaces within the carpark are available to Governance Bites attendees from 5pm onwards.)
Cost: Free event
All you need to know about recruiting non-profit and community board members. What makes a good board member, where do you find them, and how do you get them interested in your organisation? What are the three biggest traps in recruitment? And how do you get the most of new board members after they are on-board? And then … this is the tough stuff … despite our best intentions and event efforts, we can still end up with the wrong people on board for various reasons. How do you tackle the difficult tasks of ‘sacking’ board member? After all, board members are ‘just volunteers’. How do you actually get the result you need, but also still act with some grace? How can succession planning actually happen in practice in small organisations, and how do you deal with ‘founder syndrome’ when founders have out-lasted their value for the organisation and may even be holding it back? Sessions will run from 5.30pm to 7.00pm. However, doors open and pizza bites are available from 5.00pm!
RSVP: Registrations essential, via email
Host: Delta Community Support Trust
Venue: North Avon Community Centre, 101 North Avon Road, Richmond
Cost: Free event
On the second Thursday of each month, we hold a Coffee & Chats peer support session for those who manage or coordinate a volunteer team, hosted each time by a different community organisation. This is an occasion to network with others from local not-for-profit groups and talk all things volunteering, and includes the opportunity to ask questions, share experiences and support each other as we navigate the ever-changing community sector.
RSVP: Via email - it is essential that you RSVP for these events, please.
Facilitator: Garth Nowland-Foreman, from LEAD Centre for Not for Profit Governance and Leadership
Venue: Aldersgate Centre, 309 Durham Street North, Christchurch Central (Please enter the Aldersgate Centre from the rear door, via the car park. This can be accessed from Chester Street West. Spaces within the carpark are available to Governance Bites attendees from 5pm onwards.)
Cost: Free event
Everyone wants to be strategic these days. It is used to refer to deceit and trickery in reality TV shows. As an adjective it makes any object or activity sound very important. But does it actually have any practical meaning left? What is a strategy and how is it different from a plan? Where does mot strategy come from, and what is a realistic approach to developing a strategy for your organisation? And what really is the Board’s role in strategy (especially where there also is staff)? Participation in non-profit boards provides individuals with an opportunity to influence impact in our city. This workshop offers practical tools and approaches to help a board lead organisation strategy. Sessions will run from 5.30pm to 7.00pm. However, doors open and pizza bites are available from 5.00pm!
RSVP: Registrations essential, via email
Facilitator: Sharon Moreham
Venue: St Albans Community Centre, Colombo Street (on-site parking accessed via Caledonian Road)
Cost: Free event
Learn how to tell a compelling story about what your organisation does, and the difference it makes.
RSVP: Via email
International Volunteer Managers Day is an international event held annually on 5 November as a day to recognise those who lead, support, train and mentor volunteers in the community. A huge thank you to our volunteers leaders who make an impact in our communities across Aotearoa!
Facilitator: Garth Nowland-Foreman, from LEAD Centre for Not for Profit Governance and Leadership
Venue: Aldersgate Centre, 309 Durham Street North, Christchurch Central (Please enter the Aldersgate Centre from the rear door, via the car park. This can be accessed from Chester Street West. Spaces within the carpark are available to Governance Bites attendees from 5pm onwards.)
Cost: Free event
Chairs have one of the most demanding jobs in a non-profit. What is realistic and what are the essentials? Can we look again at sharing roles around the board table? One of the key roles of a chair is to facilitate the board as a group – especially in its core role as group decision-makers. And given participation is the purpose if you are going to bother calling a meeting, how can a chair best facilitate real participation that will energise and enthuse board members, and get the best possible decisions from a diverse group? We will look at some practical tools and frameworks to help make this happen in real world non-profit boards. Sessions will run from 5.30pm to 7.00pm. However, doors open and pizza bites are available from 5.00pm!
RSVP: Registrations essential, via email
International Volunteer Day (IVD) is an international event run by UN Volunteers and celebrated every year on 5 December. The purpose of IVD is to recognize and support the spirit of volunteerism to help create a better future. It champions the impact volunteers have in communities, nationally and globally.