Act as 'eyes and ears' for the Police. Training is provided to develop skills in observation, identification, recording information, and non-confrontation. Every patroller carries an identification card, and uniform is provided. Patrols record and report on abandoned furniture and trolleys, broken telephone junction tubes, faulty traffic and street lights, graffiti, illegal parking, specific police requests, stolen vehicles, suspicious behaviour, water leaks, and other damage. The patrol vehicle has a mobile phone for Police contact, a base radio, and high visibility vests, Regular training days are organised where you can mix and mingle with like-minded people. A full NZ Police vetting process is mandatory.
When expressing interest in this role, please include in 'comments' the area of Christchurch you are in so that we can get the person from that area to contact you! Thank you.
Keen observation skills. Driver's licence useful.
This is the Riccarton (Ilam and Fendalton) Patrol - please do not apply to this Patrol if you live outside this area
At least 3 hours monthly. Specific time commitment to be confirmed with the organisation.
Getting started:
The first step is to express your interest by filling out the form below.
We will then put you in touch directly with the organisation for more information on the role and how to proceed.
Ref: 30
Social Support
Applicants for this role are required to undergo Police vetting.
You can find out more about this process on the Police website: