WanderSearch Canterbury Charitable Trust safeguards vulnerable individuals at risk of going missing, supporting individuals to live active lifestyles in the communities they love. We supply radio frequency devices that can be worn by the individual and allow them to be found quickly by NZ Police and Land Search and Rescue should they go missing. We work with all age groups and conditions e.g. Autism, Dementia, Brain Injury. Volunteers are needed who are comfortable to drive in East Christchurch (Shirley-Burwood) to deliver devices to vulnerable clients at risk of going missing. Every six months after delivery the devices are picked up and changed over for battery purposes. This is caring and meaningful work albeit simple and straightforward. It involves around 3 hours work per month.
WanderSearch provides peace of mind for the person using the device and their whanau and caregivers that should they go missing there are methods to assist in locating them quickly. For individuals who have frail health or who can be unaware of environmental hazards the time taken to locate them can be critical and the use of a WanderSearch device can be life-saving
Ability to relate well to people, compassionate, methodical, clean drivers’ licence.
Full training given.
Approx. 3 hrs per month.
Getting started:
The first step is to express your interest by filling out the form below.
We will then put you in touch directly with the organisation for more information on the role and how to proceed.
Ref: 568
Health & Medical
Applicants for this role are required to undergo Police vetting.
You can find out more about this process on the Police website:
Working unsupervised with vulnerable clients