The successful applicant will provide clerical and administrative support to the Board of the Epilepsy Association of New Zealand Inc. a registered charity which provides information, education and support to people living with epilepsy and their families. The Board Secretary assists the Board in an administrative role including the preparation of Board packs and the taking of minutes at Board meetings.
You would report to the Chair (who is also the President of the Association).
The successful applicant will ideally have had previous work experience as a secretary and/or in an administration role. Some familiarity with office organisation and good written and verbal communication skills are key requirements. The successful applicant will need to be proficient in computer skills such as Microsoft Office and Excel. Some Epilepsy NZ information will be sensitive and the successful applicant will need to act with integrity, be discreet and respect confidentiality.
Usually no more than 4-8 hours per month. This includes preparation of the agendas, send out the Board packs and attendance at bi-monthly Board zoom meetings and up to 3 face-to-face meetings per year. Minutes need to be recorded at these meetings with other time commitments include undertaking various necessary administration tasks as directed by the Chair.
Getting started:
The first step is to express your interest by filling out the form below.
We will then put you in touch directly with the organisation for more information on the role and how to proceed.
Ref: 772
Committee & Board
Applicants for this role are required to undergo Police vetting.
You can find out more about this process on the Police website: