A Change for Better - The ACFB Fund
Home Based
Marketing & Communications
The Resource Creator will utilise their strong background in mental health and education to design and create impactful materials that promote mental well-being and empower individuals to seek help.
A Change for Better - The ACFB Fund
Home Based
Health & Medical
We are seeking support from a Clinical Psychologist to help with the backlog of clients looking for online ADHD and autism assessments.
Wildlife Veterinary Trust
Home Based
Marketing & Communications
Seeking a person able to help develop and manage a corporate sponsorship package, and other avenues of fundraising.
Campaign Against Foreign Control of Aotearoa
Home Based
Information & Advice
Researching, writing up, analysing and cross-referencing monthly Decisions (i.e approvals/rejections) of Overseas Investment Office. Work to be regularly published in "Foreign Control Watchdog" and on Website of CAFCA.
NZ Gifts of Love and Strength
Home Based
Do you have successful experience in writing funding grant and sponsorship applications?
FC Twenty 11Inc
Home Based
Volunteer Coordinator for FC Twenty 11 Football Club - help us recruit, retain and organise our volunteers
CanInspire Charitable Trust
Home Based
Fundraising and Event Coordination Superstars wanted!
Styx Living Laboratory Trust
Home Based
We're a local river care group that's passionate about protecting the Pūharakekenui/Styx and we need your help!🌱
GrandFriends NZ
Home Based
Social Support
GrandFriends NZ (Surrogate Grandparents New Zealand Charitable Trust)is on the hunt for awesome GrandFriends who would like to support a local family and their children, as an older mentor but also as an extended family member.
Tourette's Association New Zealand
Home Based
Committee & Board
The Tourette's Association NZ is experiencing huge growth in its membership and requests for information. To grow the organisation and met the needs of the community, the board is looking to increase its size and welcome those with a range of skills.