The Just Dirt Trust
All Areas
Working Hours
We are looking for an active, fit person to help establish raised garden beds in a variety of locations around greater Christchurch.
Styx Living Laboratory Trust
Home Based
We're a local river care group that's passionate about protecting the Pūharakekenui/Styx and we need your help!🌱
Age Concern Canterbury
All Areas
Working Hours
Provide social support to an older person via regular visits of about an hour per week, share interest and activities and provide support where possible to make other community contacts
Presbyterian Support Upper South Island (North Canterbury)
Social Support
Working Hours
Volunteer with older people in the Enliven Day Programme. This programme runs Monday to Friday and is fun, stimulating and active. The Club members are really appreciative of all that the team bring to their day.
Enrich Community Chaplaincy Trust
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Committee & Board
New Trustee for Enrich Community Chaplaincy Trust
GrandFriends NZ
Home Based
Social Support
GrandFriends NZ (Surrogate Grandparents New Zealand Charitable Trust)is on the hunt for awesome GrandFriends who would like to support a local family and their children, as an older mentor but also as an extended family member.
Christchurch House of Science Charitable Trust
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Working Hours
House of Science provide science teaching resources for use in Christchurch primary and intermediate schools. These are delivered on a Monday and Tuesday morning (after 8.00am) and collected on Thursday and Friday afternoons a week later.
Tourette's Association New Zealand
Home Based
Committee & Board
The Tourette's Association NZ is experiencing huge growth in its membership and requests for information. To grow the organisation and met the needs of the community, the board is looking to increase its size and welcome those with a range of skills.
Big Brothers Big Sisters of North Canterbury
Youth & Children
Join the Big Brothers Big Sisters team as a youth mentor! The only skill you need is to be yourself!
Youthline Central South Island
All Areas
Social Support
Support young people by text, phone and web-chat.