Maota - Mahi Arohanui o Tamariki Aotearoa Charitable Trust
All Areas
We are needing urgently volunteers for our fundraising indoor/outdoor market called RAKI MARKET at Silhouette studios, 6 Sheffield Cresent, Burnside. On the 2nd Saturday once a month. from 9am to 1pm winter hours and 3 pm summer hours. (oct - March)
Christchurch Envirohub
All Areas
Marketing & Communications
Engage with the local community on events that happens around Christchurch. Using a variety of games and education resources, have behavioural change conversations with the community surrounding our awa and the contaminants that pollute it.
Christchurch Envirohub
All Areas
Driving the Stormwater Trailer to scheduled events throughout Christchurch. Picking up from 180 Avonside drive.
MECFS Canterbury
Home Based
Recruit, onboard, place and supervise volunteers involved in our Outreach Service for people living with a chronic illness.
MECFS Canterbury
Home Based
Marketing & Communications
Develop partnerships and coordinate fundraising events to increase funding for critical services and support for people living with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis /Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Long Covid
Fertility New Zealand
All Areas
Social Support
Fertility New Zealand walks alongside all people facing fertility challenges. The Fertility Support Series aims to unite people who are yet to have their first child by providing a safe environment to share and discuss fertility issues.
Orange Sky NZ
All Areas
Marketing & Communications
Are you a marketing, communications and events extraordinaire? Support people in your community by providing positive, inclusive and engaging working environment for Orange Sky volunteers!
Age Concern Canterbury
All Areas
Working Hours
Provide one-on-one assistance for people who are finding it difficult to get out on about on their own.
A Change for Better - The ACFB Fund
Home Based
Health & Medical
We are seeking support from an Educational Psychologist to help with the backlog of clients looking for online ADHD and autism assessments.
CanInspire Charitable Trust
Home Based
Event Coordinator Extraordinaire role to coordinate and market our charity based fundraising events.